The Seller SKU Product Attributes

The Seller SKU Product Attributes

The product attributes are the components that describe the product specifications that buyer seeks when purchasing a product and comparing between the competitive brands. Providing these attributes will increase the quality of your product details as they inform the buyer extensively about the product specifications and enhances its online visibility. All of the information captured against the attributes enables shoppers to find, compare, and choose products.

Mandatory and Optional Attributes

Product attributes are dynamic and are defined at the category or sub-category level. noon provides predefined fields against each category where you can enter the relevant details about the product. These attributes have been marked as either mandatory or optional attributes.

Mandatory Attributes

These are the most important attributes for a customer to be able to make a decision. While making a purchase, the customer certainly looks for these attributes and it is important that they must have a value filled in it. The mandatory attributes are usually common across the categories, however, there are some that are specific to individual categories, so make sure you always fill in all the required fields. As an example, food and beverages also require you to add information on shelf life and storage requirements of the product, whereas for toys you wouldn't have to add that information. 
As an example, customers will definitely look for attributes like color name, department, size, upper material while purchasing sports shoes thus making these must-have attributes for listing.

One can easily spot these attributes as star marked fields while making listing via seller lab and it is coded with green color in NIS templates.

Optional Attributes

Optional attributes are the “good to have” attributes that can enrich your product description. You may fill in the values or may leave them blank, however, it is always recommended to fill in as many attributes to enhance the quality score of your listings.
As an example, you may fill the details in optional attributes for the sports shoes such as lining material, shoe surface type, etc.

Optional attributes are marked in orange in the NIS template and if you are listing via Seller lab API, these are not  marked as star marked fields

Common Listing Errors

In the following table the explanation for rejection reasons are highlighted to make sure you submit high-quality data for your products:
Rejection ReasonsExplanation

Attributes - Formatting/Spelling/

Grammatical Error

Check for errors in grammar, spelling, or capitalization while adding specifications:

Examples of Formatting Errors:

Wrong Format:

Material: stainless steel
Set Includes:


Issue: Capital letters shouldn't be used

Correct Format:

Material: Stainless Steel
Set Includes:

- 1 Watch, 1 Replacement Band, 1 Gift Box

Attributes - Incorrect Value

(Dropdown list)

Some attributes will be available to you in a drop-down list of predefined options.

It is important to select values from the existing list only and not add other values on your own

Attributes - Incorrect Value

(Attribute header incorrect)

Values must be added against correct headers.

Example of incorrect value captured against the attribute

Title Name:

- Flex Advantage 3.0 Slip-Ons Black

Model Name:

- Slip Ons Black


- Product type is mentioned under attribute “Model Name” whereas it should ideally capture the model name of the product; the correct value filled in should be “Flex Advantage 3.0.”

Attention must be paid to avoid filling irrelevant values, the value filled in should correspond with the attribute.

Attributes - Incorrect Value

(Brand Website Mismatch)

Values added under product attributes must not contradict the information provided on the brand site.


It is important to cross verify the product information from the official brand site before adding the information against your listings

Attributes - Word Repetition

Product attributes must not contain repetitive words and the same data

Example of Repetitive description submitted against 2 different attribute headers:

Title: Mi True Wireless Earbuds Basic 2 Black

Model Name: AirDots 2

Model Number: AirDots 2


- In this example, values captured against attributes model number and name are exactly the same. Ideally, the model number is an alphanumeric number and should be captured as “TWSEJ061LS” for the above example shared.


That's it!


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